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Key concepts§

Here are the most important things to understand about ozzy and the upstream packages it uses.

Data objects§


This is a very brief introduction to the data objects used by ozzy. Please refer to the "Data structures" section of xarray's User Guide for a complete tour.

As mentioned before, xarray offers two types of object that can store information alongside a given dataset. You can imagine these data objects as a plot, in the sense that they contain all the information that a plot usually does: the data iself, axes, variable names and units, notes, etc.


A DataArray is the smallest unit of a data object in xarray. In the analogy of the data objects as plots, a DataArray would correspond to a single curve on a chart.

A DataArray has the following properties:

DataArray da
da.values the data, in the form of an ndarray
da.dims the names of the data's dimensions (e.g. 'y', 'x' instead of 0, 1)
da.coords the axes for each dimension (there may be several for the same dimension), which are called Coordinates in xarray
da.attrs any other user-defined metadata


A Dataset is a bundle of one or more DataArrays (in fact it can also be empty). In the analogy of the data plot, a Dataset can be any combination of plots and subplots; from a single curve to an ensemble of several charts with different axes and different data curves.

This is particularly useful when we have several quantities (i.e., DataArrays, or variables) that are all defined on the same axes, for example the different components of the electric field. However, the different variables in a Dataset don't have to share axes and dimensions.

A Dataset object contains:

Dataset ds
ds.data_vars the quantities inside the Dataset, available as a dictionary mapping their names to the respective DataArrays
ds.dims the names of the dimensions associated with the different quantity arrays
ds.coords axes, i.e. xarray Coordinates
ds.attrs any other user-defined metadata

Specific methods§

Besides some general methods that are available to data objects (see Data object methods), ozzy also makes different methods available depending on the type of data (see Data-type-specific methods) and the simulation code that produced it (see Backend-specific methods). Access to these specific methods is granted based on two attributes: 'pic_data_type' and 'data_origin'. These attributes should be set when initializing a new data object with ozzy.DataArray() or ozzy.Dataset(). For example:

Initializing new data objects

import ozzy as oz
da = oz.DataArray(pic_data_type='grid', data_origin='ozzy')
# <xarray.DataArray ()>
# array(nan)
# Attributes:
#     pic_data_type:  grid
#     data_origin:    ozzy
import ozzy as oz
ds = oz.Dataset(pic_data_type='grid', data_origin='ozzy')
# <xarray.Dataset>
# Dimensions:  ()
# Data variables:
#     *empty*
# Attributes:
#     pic_data_type:  grid
#     data_origin:    ozzy

The following values are accepted for these two attributes:

Attribute Accepted values Default
'pic_data_type' 'grid', 'part' None
'data_origin' 'ozzy', 'osiris', 'lcode' None

Table of data objects§

The open_compare function allows the user to open several sets of data from different simulation folders and/or simulation codes, and returns them organized into a table where each row corresponds to a simulation folder and each column to a quantity. The returned object is in fact a pandas.DataFrame, which is a powerful implementation of a table with column and row labels and fast look-up methods (see Pandas for more information).



Please see the section on "Indexing and selecting data" in xarray's User Guide for a complete explanation of available indexing methods.

Besides standard array indexing (such as a[i,j]), the main ways to select slices of data in DataArrays or Datasets are .sel() and .isel(). A simple example is shown below.

Example of indexing methods
import numpy as np
import ozzy as oz

# Create a 2D DataArray
x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 50)
y = np.linspace(-3, 3, 30)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
ne = np.exp(-(X**2 + Y**2) / 2)

da = oz.DataArray(
    dims=["y", "x"],
    coords={"x": x, "y": y},

# Select line-out at center of x axis
# The following are all equivalent
da[:, 24]
da.isel(x=24) #(1)!
da.sel(x=0.0, method="nearest") #(2)!

print(da.sel(x=0.0, method="nearest"))
# <xarray.DataArray 'ne' (y: 30)>
# array([...])
# Coordinates:
#     x        float64 0.102
#   * y        (y) float64 -3.0 -2.793 -2.586 -2.379 ... 2.379 2.586 2.793 3.0
# Attributes:
#     pic_data_type:  grid
#     data_origin:    ozzy
  1. See xarray.DataArray.isel.
  2. See xarray.DataArray.sel.
import ozzy as oz
import numpy as np

# Create coordinates
x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 50)
y = np.linspace(-3, 3, 30)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)

# Create data variables
ne = np.exp(-(X**2 + Y**2) / 2)
Ex = np.sin(x) * np.exp(-x**2 / 10)

ds = oz.Dataset(
        'ne': (['y', 'x'], ne),
        'Ex': (['x'], Ex)
    coords={'x': x, 'y': y},
        'pic_data_type': 'grid',
        'data_origin': 'ozzy'

# Select data at center of x axis
# The following are equivalent
# Note that positional indexing does not work on Datasets
ds.isel(x=24) #(1)!
ds.sel(x=0.0, method="nearest") #(2)!

print(ds.sel(x=0.0, method="nearest")) #(3)!
# <xarray.Dataset>
# Dimensions:  (y: 30)
# Coordinates:
#     x        float64 0.102
#   * y        (y) float64 -3.0 -2.793 -2.586 -2.379 ... 2.379 2.586 2.793 3.0
# Data variables:
#     ne       (y) float64 0.01105 0.02012 0.0351 ... 0.0351 0.02012 0.01105
#     Ex       float64 0.1018
# Attributes:
#     pic_data_type:  grid
#     data_origin:    ozzy
  1. See xarray.Dataset.isel.
  2. See xarray.Dataset.sel.
  3. Notice how each data variable inside the Dataset was sliced.

When data objects are organized in a table (pandas.DataFrame), items can be accessed either via the row and column labels or with a numerical index, with .loc or .at and .iloc or .iat, respectively.

Indexing elements in a DataFrame (table)

import ozzy as oz
import pandas as pd

# Create empty Datasets to serve as placeholders
ds_sim1_ne = oz.Dataset()
ds_sim1_Ez = oz.Dataset()
ds_sim2_ne = oz.Dataset()
ds_sim2_Ez = oz.Dataset()

# Create a DataFrame with Dataset objects, 
# similar to the output of ozzy.open_compare()
df = pd.DataFrame(
    [[ds_sim1_ne, ds_sim2_ne], [ds_sim1_Ez, ds_sim2_Ez]],
    index=["Simulation 1", "Simulation 2"],
    columns=["ne", "Ez"],
#               ne  Ez
# Simulation 1  []  []
# Simulation 2  []  []
We obtain one of the empty datasets when we select a single table cell:

# The following are equivalent
df.loc["Simulation 1", "Ez"]
df.iloc[0, 1]["Simulation 1", "Ez"]
df.iat[0, 1]

print(df.iloc[0, 1])
# <xarray.Dataset>
# Dimensions:  ()
# Data variables:
#     *empty*
# Attributes:
#     pic_data_type:  None
#     data_origin:    None

Slicing a row or column returns a pandas.Series object.

# Selecting the second row
df.loc["Simulation 2"]
# Selecting the first column
df.iloc[:, 0]

print(df.loc["Simulation 2"])
# ne    []
# Ez    []
# Name: Simulation 2, dtype: object

Data chunking and lazy loading§

A common issue with simulation files is their sheer size, which often implies long loading, processing and plotting times. One strategy to deal with extremely large files is to load them into the machine's working memory in smaller "chunks", which is called data chunking. Another strategy is called lazy loading, where data is not actually processed until absolutely necessary. Both of these techniques are used in ozzy thanks to the Dask package, which is also integrated into xarray.

Files read by ozzy will generally be Dask arrays under the hood. This does not change much in the way you interact with the data object, with the exception that operations on it will not actually be computed until you explicitly say so, with the .compute(1) or .load(2) methods. Below is an example demonstrating how this works.

  1. See xarray.DataArray.compute or xarray.Dataset.compute.
  2. See xarray.DataArray.load or xarray.Dataset.load.


Please see "Using Dask with xarray" from the xarray User Guide for more detail.

Understanding lazy loading

import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
import ozzy as oz

# Create a large dataset that would typically be too big to fit in memory
large_data = np.random.rand(1000000, 1000)  # 1 million x 1000 array

# Initialize a Dataset with chunking
dask_data = da.from_array(large_data, chunks=(100000, 100))
ds = oz.Dataset(
    {"large_variable": (["x", "y"], dask_data)},
print("-> Dataset created, but data not loaded into memory yet.")

# Perform a computation that doesn't require loading all the data
result = ds.large_variable.mean(dim="y")
print("\n-> Computation defined, but not yet executed:")

# Trigger actual computation
print("\n-> Triggering computation:")
result = result.compute()
This produces the following output:
-> Dataset created, but data not loaded into memory yet.
Dimensions:         (x: 1000000, y: 1000)
Dimensions without coordinates: x, y
Data variables:
    large_variable  (x, y) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(100000, 100), meta=np.ndarray>
    pic_data_type:  None
    data_origin:    None

-> Computation defined, but not yet executed:
<xarray.DataArray 'large_variable' (x: 1000000)>
dask.array<mean_agg-aggregate, shape=(1000000,), dtype=float64, chunksize=(100000,), chunktype=numpy.ndarray>
Dimensions without coordinates: x

-> Triggering computation:
<xarray.DataArray 'large_variable' (x: 1000000)>
array([0.50542762, 0.50724898, 0.48675328, ..., 0.50791182, 0.5187294 ,
Dimensions without coordinates: x